5 Best Rifle Cases for Ruger 10/22 (Soft & Hard Case)

Allen Company 375-40 Ruger Flagstaff Scoped Soft Carrying Gun Case

Are you searching for the best rifle case for Ruger 10/22? By the end of this post, we are sure you will find a unique rifle case worth the purchase. The Ruger 10/22 series of semi-automatic rifles use a patented 10-round rotary magazine. It was created in 1964 and is one of the most successful rimfire rifle designs. It is one of the most popular and is widely used in the USA. In addition, it is a commoner for shooters who are inexperienced as its handling characteristics are easy, has negligible recoil, and inexpensive ammunition. It is also used by … Read more

3 Best Shotgun Magazines (Mag Fed Shotguns)

Best Shotgun Magazines

Are you searching for the best shotgun magazines? In today’s post, we will review some top options to help you find a reliable magazine. Although magazine shotguns have been around for quite some time, they have only recently started to come into their own.  Some are more traditional, manual action with a magazine feed system added, while others are designed to be an AR shotgun from the get-go. A shotgun is an ideal weapon for self and home defense. When added with a large capacity magazine, it makes defense easier and more effective as you can tackle more than one … Read more