Best Hand Held Clay Pigeon Throwers

Finding the best hand held clay pigeon thrower is a challenging task. This is why we compiled a list of the top options to help you pick a reliable clay pigeon thrower.

Clay shooting continues to be one of the most practiced activities by shooters who want to improve their shooting skills. A handheld clay thrower is a must-have item that will help you improve your skills and still have fun while doing it.

A handheld clay thrower is a large investment that requires you to pick the right model that perfectly meets your shooting need. However, this can be challenging especially because of the multiple options available on the market and if you are buying one for the first time.

To help you choose the best, below is the ultimate review of the best hand-held clay throwers worth your consideration.

Let’s have a look.

Best Hand Held Clay Pigeon Thrower


1) Allen Handheld Clay Target Thrower

Allen Handheld Clay Target Thrower



Allen handheld clay target thrower will enable you to have a fun clay pigeon shooting with either friends or family. The magazine on this handheld thrower is universal and can fit standard sizes of clay.

Being made for both left and right-hand users, this thrower is easy to use and perfect for improving your shooting skills. Its heavy-duty plastic construction enables you to use this thrower for extended periods while delivering great performance.

Its ultra-lightweight construction enhances portability by making it easy to carry from one point to another.

Furthermore, this unit has a well-balanced design that delivers all clay targets to challenging distances. It is not only quick to load but also easy to throw.


  • Ultra-lightweight and greatly portable.
  • Plastic construction.
  • Loads clay quickly and throws easily.
  • Made to launch standard clay targets.
  • Both left and right hand compatible.
  • Easy to load.


2) Birchwood Casey WingOne Double-Clay Ultimate Handheld Clay Target Thrower

Birchwood Casey WingOne Double-Clay Ultimate Handheld Clay Target Thrower



The precise craftsmanship and premium construction make the Birchwood Casey Wingone ultimate handheld clay target thrower stand out. It is easy to use, and whether you enjoy shooting alone or with a group of family or friends, this thrower meets the needs of many shooters.

Its ultra-lightweight construction enhances portability from one point to another, and its auto-cocking action makes it easy on the arm. It features a drop-in loading of clay birds, prevents breakage, and its rugged and sturdy construction ensures great functionality and many years of use.

It is also easy to control for multiple flight patterns. Furthermore, this thrower is constructed to throw a wide variety of clay types


  • Both left and right hand compatible.
  • Throws different types of clays.
  • Simple to control for several flight patterns.
  • Auto-cocking action makes it easy on the arm.
  • Ultra-lightweight construction enhances portability.
  • Drop-in clay loading prevents breakage.
  • Rugged construction ensures great durability.


3) Champion Hand thrower Clay Target

Champion Hand thrower Clay Target



If you are a beginner to the clay shooting sport, it is recommended that you go for a model that is easy to use. The Champion Hand Thrower Clay Target is particularly made for those new to clay pigeon shooting.

Crafted from heavy steel, you are assured of great performance year after year. The sturdy steel construction ensures this thrower is hard enough to withstand multiple calibers at the appropriate distances.

Its lightweight construction provides the ultimate portability, designed to be used by both left and right-hand users.

It is easy to use, whether you enjoy shooting alone or with a group of family or friends. This thrower is made to make your experience fun and successful.

In addition, it has a generous capacity with great performance capable of launching targets up to 60 yards. You can also use it with any standard-sized clay targets.


  • Lightweight and portable.
  • Easy to use with minimal effort required.
  • Launches target up to 60 yards.
  • Heavy-duty steel construction.
  • Durable clay thrower with excellent performance.
  • Sturdy enough to withstand several calibers at varying distances.
  • Left and right hand compatible.


4) Birchwood Casey Right Hand Handheld Clay Target Thrower

Birchwood Casey Right Hand Handheld Clay Target Thrower



Just like any sport, clay pigeon throwing requires patience, practice and a proper tool. A proper clay pigeon thrower should offer great performance and durability and have great features at an affordable price.

The auto-cocking system of this thrower is easy on the arm, which makes it easy to throw the clays. It throws different varieties of clay types and is also simple to control for different flight patterns.

This thrower has a rugged and sturdy construction and provides excellent performance over many years of use. This ensures that you get great value for money.

It also features a drop-in loading of clay birds which eliminates breakage. Lastly, this thrower is low in weight and, therefore, easy to maneuver from one location to another.


  • Right-hand compatible.
  • Simple to control for several flight patterns.
  • Auto-cocking action makes it easy on the arm.
  • Ultra-lightweight construction enhances maneuverability.
  • Drop-in clay loading prevents breakage.
  • Rugged and sturdy construction ensures durability and great performance.
  • Designed to throw multiple types of clay.


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Criteria for Choosing the Best Hand Held Clay Pigeon Thrower

With multiple handheld clay throwers available on the market, here are some of the important factors you need to consider to choose the best.


Most people travel to a specific shooting destination to practice clay shooting. This translates to them carrying our clay throwers along for the ride. If you happen to be such a user, this is where handheld clay throwers have an advantage over automatic ones.  They are small-sized, lightweight and portable, which makes them convenient to carry around. A lightweight thrower is also easy on your arm.


Are you getting value for your money? This is the main question you should ask yourself before purchasing any item, not just clay throwers.

Hand-held clay throwers are cheaper, but you still want them to work right. It is important that you check on the material used in crafting it. The best thrower is made of high-quality materials such as steel or heavy-duty plastic since both are durable and lightweight.

It is also recommended to choose one from a reputable brand and go through different customers’ reviews on trusted sites to see what other customers have to say about a certain product.

Ease of use

The most important thing that you want from your clay thrower is the ability to shoot out the clays in the distance and direction you would want them to. The last thing you would also want is to spend your time trying to figure out how to set up and use the equipment. While this is made easier when using automatic throwers with extra pints for their accuracy, you can still use a hand-held thrower and perform better at a much lower cost. An automatic thrower will be as accurate and effective as its power source permits, while a hand-held one will rely on the user’s skills.

Additional accessories included

It is always pleasing to know that a product you are buying comes with a few additional items. Some of the additional accessories which come with hand-held clay throwers that prove to be useful include battery cables, nuts and bolts clay guide rods, among others. If a warranty is involved, the better, as you won’t spend a single penny to replace your thrower in case of damage as long as the warranty is valid. Check on such accessories and go for one that offers them.


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FAQs on the Best Hand Held Clay Pigeon Thrower

1) Other than a hand held clay thrower, what else is needed for someone to start clay shooting?

Since clay shooting is noisy, it is therefore important that you protect yourself by wearing earplugs or headphones. Protective goggles are also important to protect your eyes from accidental eye injuries.

2) Which is better, automatic or hand held clay throwers?

On matters of portability and ease of use, the hand thrower clay thrower will always win. However, for pure power, range and accuracy, the automatic clay thrower wins. All the same, both are great ways to experience clay shooting, and the choice made will greatly depend on a personal preference.

3) When it comes to clay shooting, what types of guns are commonly used?

Most of the people who engage in clay shooting use a double-barreled shotgun to shoot. They frequently use a shotgun with a barrel diameter of about 18.5mm, which is known as a 12-bore or 12-gauge shotgun.

Advantages of the Best Hand Held Clay Pigeon Thrower


Most handheld clay throwers are crafted with lightweight materials, which enhance their portability, plus they require minimal or no maintenance.

Functionality and great performance

Most handheld clay pigeon throwers are made to be compatible with both right and left-handed users. They are also made to throw targets at varying distances.

Ease of use

Hand-held clay throwers require minimal effort and training to throw. With a little practice, you can throw pretty much any type of shot you want. This makes them ideal for those new to the activity.

Disadvantages of Hand Held Clay Pigeon Thrower

  1. With time, manual reloading becomes tiring.
  2. Requires two people, one to load and the other one to shoot.


If you are looking for the best hand held clay pigeon thrower, we have recommended the best the market has to offer, and we hope that you get to love them too.

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